TKD teaches students how to recognize, accept their own shortcomings 跆拳道教会学生如何认识和接受自己的缺点

TKD teaches students how to recognize, accept their own shortcomings 跆拳道教会学生如何认识和接受自己的缺点

Have youever wondered how it feels like to be a Taekwondo student? And haveyou also wonder...
Taekwondo encourages students to take initiative and inspire thinking 跆拳道鼓励学生积极主动,启发思考

Taekwondo encourages students to take initiative and inspire thinking 跆拳道鼓励学生积极主动,启发思考

Have youever wondered how it feels like to be a Taekwondo student? And haveyou also wonder...
TKD train students to strike with all limbs such as kicks/punches etc 跆拳道训练学生用四肢进行攻击,例如踢腿/拳打等

TKD train students to strike with all limbs such as kicks/punches etc 跆拳道训练学生用四肢进行攻击,例如踢腿/拳打等

Have youever wondered how it feels like to be a Taekwondo student? And haveyou also wonder...
TKD a new set of patterns laid ahead of students whose level upgraded 一套全新的跆拳道拳法套路摆在了等级提升的学员面前

TKD a new set of patterns laid ahead of students whose level upgraded 一套全新的跆拳道拳法套路摆在了等级提升的学员面前

Have youever wondered how it feels like to be a Taekwondo student? And haveyou also wonder...
A new journey in TKD world for students who\’ve passed the \’Grading\’ 为通过级别测考的学员开启跆拳道世界的新征程

A new journey in TKD world for students who\’ve passed the \’Grading\’ 为通过级别测考的学员开启跆拳道世界的新征程

Have youever wondered how it feels like to be a Taekwondo student? And haveyou also wonder...


Taekwondo teaches you the skills of how to self control N discipline 跆拳道教你如何自我控制和纪律的技能

Taekwondo teaches you the skills of how to self control N discipline 跆拳道教你如何自我控制和纪律的技能

Have youever wondered how it feels like to be a Taekwondo student? And haveyou also wonder...
Taekwondo introduces games in class to helps students builds confidence.

Taekwondo introduces games in class to helps students builds confidence.

9-7Mar-G3-OC.jpg (155.74 KB, 下载次数: 0) 下载附件  保存到相册 昨天 23:04 上传 Have youever wonde...
TKD helps students to build confidence to overcome challenges

TKD helps students to build confidence to overcome challenges

9-19Feb-Stretching1-OC.jpg (155.8 KB, 下载次数: 0) 下载附件  保存到相册 昨天 21:22 上传 Have youe...



