首页 新加坡招聘 大巴窑冷气公司招聘行政兼客服人员


Requirement:基本要求 1.  Possess excellent communication, proactive, driven and resp…

职位: 客服
邮编: 318992
工作性质: 全职
发布人: 公司直招
招聘人数: 2
性别要求: 男 女 
工资待遇: 2200-2500新币 
联系人: 丽丽

1.  Possess excellent communication, proactive, driven and responsibility 具有良好的交际能力,要求主动、服从且有责任心
2.  Prefer candidate with relevant experience in customer service or call center environment 要求具有客服相关的工作经验,最好是做过接听电话的工作
3.  Ability to communicate in both Mandarin and English 要求精通中英文,具有读写听说能力,可以适应双语环境
4.  Able to multi-task and work in a fast pace and high pressure environment 能够在多任务和高压环境下工作。
5.  Experienced in handling paper works and familiar with MS office soft wares 有处理文件的工作经验,能熟练运用MsOffice 软件

Job Responsibility: 工作职责
Call center duty:电话服务中心职责
1.  Handling phone calls 接听客户电话
2.  Reply promptly to online inquiries, and take care of online order 及时回复网络咨询,做好网络订单
3.  Communicate with customer with online tools for sales and services 通过Internet聊天工具与客户进行沟通并销售公司产品与服务
4.  Attend each call with care and provide quality response 用心接听每一个客户的来电,并且给予满意的回复
5.  Understand / identify customer\'s requirements & concerns and provide appropriate answer, and making reservation for customer. 理解和区分客户的需求和问题后给予合适的回答,并且 给客户预约相应的服务和时间
6.  Key in the reservation system on regarding the call in detail and the action taken 在排工系统里录入客户的具体信息和公司的解决方案
7.  Oversee and manage customer maintenance contract. 监督和管理合约客户
8.  Handling customer\'s feedbacks and complaints. 处理客户的反馈和投诉
9.  Regular follow-up with customers\' complaints, feedbacks, disputes and dispositions from technician team to ensure client satisfaction 为了使客户满意,要定期回访了解客户的投诉和反馈,根据客户的需求,和技术部门进行相应的沟通
Admin Duty行政人员职责
1. Taking Message and handling of emails 记录信息和回复电邮
2. Filing and Data Entry & mailing out and receiving documents 归档、数据录入、收发公司信件
3. Prepare/ process quotation, invoices, receipts, payments, monthly reports and statements of accounts  做公司的报价,收据和发票,及时整理应付款项,并做报销。
4. Monthly report on key issues relevant to customers, operational issues, program performance metrics update 做出关于客户、操作以及项目绩效方面的月度报告
5.  Other ad-hoc dutiesassigned 其他临时指派的任务





